This agreement is entered into by and between the White Plains Outdoor Arts Festival, Inc. (WPOAF) and the Artist completing, signing and returning the application (Artist). The Artist hereby releases the WPOAF, its officers, directors, committee members and volunteers from any and all liability, including but not limited to any consequential, special, punitive or other damages for any loss or damage the Artist may sustain in connection with the show, however caused. The WPOAF will not be held liable to Artist for failure of the event to take place. The Artist hereby expressly assumes any and all risk, damages or lost profits to the Artist, Artist’s personal property, works of art, guests or guests’ property arising out of their participation including but not limited to: theft; wind, rain damage or other weather-related causes; or assigned space location designated by the WPOAF. Artist agrees and grants the WPOAF permission to copy, distribute and use reproductions of Artist’s name and artwork in any media for publicity of the WPOAF.